Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Patricia Bizzell's "2008 Exemplar Award Remarks"

Patricia Bizzell has been one of my rhetorican heroes for years. I’ve long admired her because of her clear understanding of classical and contemporary rhetorical theory. In an effort to strengthen my rhetorical background, I have relied on Bizzell and Herzberg’s The Rhetorical Tradition both for their critical introductions and primary selections. (I forgot that Bizzell and Bruce Herzberg have been married for thirty years.) For many years, I have tried to attend her sessions at CCCs because I like how she incorporates classical rhetoric into our contemporary classrooms.

But after reading her “2008 Exemplar Award” published in College Composition and Communication, I learned to appreciate her more both as an individual and as a rhetorician. It was good learning of her professional history, and how her history is based on students and teaching. Here are some of the points she highlights in her address (590).

•“I’m glad I got into the field of rhetoric and composition studies.”
•“I’m glad I got involved in work on students who struggle with academic discourse, and in work on rhetorical theory.”
•“I’m I’ve stayed at a small college where I can teach undergraduates in both writing and literature courses and learn from colleagues across the curriculum.”
•“I’m glad I’ve developed so many sustaining scholarly friendships.”
•“I’m glad I was able to live in a family and raise children through it all.”

Bizzell continues to influence me. I too am so grateful for being involved with rhetoric and compostion, for being at a two-year college that became a four-year university, for being at a student-centered institution that fosters both innovation and tradition, for my students who continue to motivate me to learn and grow, and especially for my family who supports and sustains me in all that I do.
Rumsey, Bizzell, Patricia. "2008 Exemplar Award Remarks." College Composition and Communication 60.3 (2009): 587-590.

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